Pain Relief

Acute and chronic pain conditions are very common. We all experience acute pain sometimes in our lives, but longer-lasting, chronic pain can have more serious reasons and diminish your quality of life profoundly. This can be pain after an injury or accident, arthritic pain from autoimmunity or as you grow older, and pain associated with cancer. You may suffer from headaches or migraines or struggle with chronic neck or back pain related to your work or leisure activities.

How we experience pain is very individual and impacts people’s quality of life in different ways. It can be an occasional nuisance or so debilitating that your daily functioning is impacted and you desperately look for relief, maybe even relying on prescription pain medications or considering surgery.

As natural medicine practitioners, we consider that inflammation may be contributing or even causing pain. We look for ways to reduce pain by making changes to what you eat and adding medicinal herbs, nutritional supplements and enzymes to reduce inflammation.

We also look for sources of pain related to movement and posture to identify patterns of energetic obstruction that manifest in discomfort and reduced function. Research has shown that acupuncture and manual therapy can provide effective pain relief, and our patients would agree.