Period Power
Observing your natural menstrual cycle and period is like getting a monthly report card on your health. Read and answer the following ten questions to get a sense of how well your hormones are working. This quiz is for women between 15 and 55 years old who are not on hormonal birth control.
1 = Never, 2 = Sometimes, 3 = Often, 4 = Mostly, 5 = Always
Now add up your points above to obtain your total. Then look at the scores below to find out where you are.
10 to 15 points: You’re doing very well overall. You have no or only very minor disturbances in your menstrual cycle. Keep up the good work!
16 to 30 points: You have moderate imbalances in your menstrual health that might improve if you make certain lifestyle or nutrition changes and take good care of yourself.
31 to 50 points: You’re experiencing severe and possibly serious irregularities in your menstrual cycle. This is common but not normal, and you may wish to speak to a natural women’s health specialist to explore your options.