Period Power

Observing your natural menstrual cycle and period is like getting a monthly report card on your health. Read and answer the following ten questions to get a sense of how well your hormones are working. This quiz is for women between 15 and 55 years old who are not on hormonal birth control.

1 = Never, 2 = Sometimes, 3 = Often, 4 = Mostly, 5 = Always

1. My menstrual cycle is irregular and hard to predict.

2. My flow is really scanty or very heavy, lasts only 2-3 days or more than 7 days.

3. I have physical discomforts before or during my period, like breast tenderness, swelling, constipation, itching, cramping, pain, headaches, etc.

4. I have mood changes or low energy before or during my period, like sadness, anger, short temper, tiredness.

5. I am taking over-the-counter or prescription pain medication during my period.

6. I have been diagnosed with an imbalance in my hormones.

7. I have tried to conceive naturally in the past, but without success.

8. I have other health issues that require medical care.

9. I have had abdominal surgery.

10. I have been on hormonal birth control for medical reasons in the past.

Now add up your points above to obtain your total. Then look at the scores below to find out where you are.

10 to 15 points: You’re doing very well overall. You have no or only very minor disturbances in your menstrual cycle. Keep up the good work!

16 to 30 points: You have moderate imbalances in your menstrual health that might improve if you make certain lifestyle or nutrition changes and take good care of yourself.

31 to 50 points: You’re experiencing severe and possibly serious irregularities in your menstrual cycle. This is common but not normal, and you may wish to speak to a natural women’s health specialist to explore your options.